Friday, July 1, 2011

NY Allows Gay Marriage.

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I forgot it is legal in Massachusetts too.
The issue will be on ballot for the 2012 elections in Minnesota as well.  Momentum to legalize gay marriage is growing, and so is frustration and anger on the other side of the issue.  As everyone knows, I'm against it - gay marriage that is - so need I say more or hurl invectives and condemn everyone to hell?  I don't think so.  The fact is, laws change.
I wonder how individuals adjusted to the novelties brought on by the French Revolution, especially as laws began to change?  We know quite a bit about that, don't we?  But what was the actual experience like?  For instance, closer to our own time - what was it like in Nazi Germany when the laws began to change?  When old people and mentally disabled people were euthanized?  Culture changed radically for the German people - just as it did for the Russian people after 1917.  There was Christian resistance of course, but the laws changed nonetheless.  I'm not saying legalizing gay marriage makes us like the Nazis or the Communists or the Jacobins, I'm just wondering out loud what it was like to live in a society where traditional morality was no longer the standard, when Christian teaching was found objectionable and obscene.
We may find out soon enough.
Does that mean we should lose our peace over it?  I mean our interior peace - if indeed we have that.  That interior peace comes as a result of living in union with God's will.  Trusting God, though thousands around you fall.  Seeking God above all else - seek first the kingdom of God, and all of that.  Working and doing what we must, but with detachment and without anxiety, contempt, or hatred.  Letting the dead bury their dead.  At least that is the disposition of soul I'm finding necessary to remain faithful. 
One friend left a comment on Fr. Corapi saying: "Let it go and let him go in peace to the new phase in his career."  That is very good advice.  In his precautions, John of the Cross tells the religious soul, "Never be scandalized or astonished at anything you happen to see or learn of, endeavoring to preserve your soul in forgetfulness of all of that.  For should you desire to pay heed to things, many will seem wrong, even though you live amongst angels, because of your not understanding the nature of them."
You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Of course whenever I quote John of the Cross readers object because the counsel may not apply to them in their state in life.  Nevertheless I believe there is something in John's precautions that is helpful for a soul's balance in ordering one's priorities.  For instance, in the case of the Corapi scandal - Christ's answer to Peter's curiosity regarding the apostle John and his future come to mind, "how does that concern you?  Your business is to follow me."  Like the guy or not, Corapi is responsible for his own choices and in the end has to give his own personal account to God for his conduct.  So, let the dead bury their dead.  That's pretty much my personal attitude about the gay marriage thing as well.  When they ask for my shirt, I'll give them my coat as well.
As St. John says, "Take Lot's wife as an example, because she was troubled at the destruction of the Sodomites and turned her head to watch what was happening, God punished her by converting her into a pillar of salt.  You are thus to understand God's will: that even though you live among devils you should not turn the head of your thoughts to their affairs, but forget these things entirely and strive to keep your soul occupied purely and entirely in God, and not let the thought of this thing or that hinder you from doing so."
How can you believe when you seek approval from men?
Christians are not approved by the world - indeed, Christians often do not approve of one another - all the snark online verifies that much.  But how does that concern me when my job is to follow Christ?  St. Seraphim Sarovsky assures us, "Keep yourself in peace and thousands around you will be saved."  So there you have it - that is what I understand by the words, let the dead bury their dead.  It is in reality a going out of sorts - outside the city gates, bearing the insult Christ bore.  For here we have no lasting city; we are seeking one which is to come.  Through him let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, that is the fruit of lips which acknowledge his name.  Our life is hidden with Christ in God and I need to fix my eyes on him, who inspires and perfects my faith.
Right now, that is what I need to do - let the dead bury their dead.
View the original article here

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