Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm appalled and disgusted by the holy Roman Catholic bloggutsphere!

Shame, shame, shame !!!
I cannot believe the infighting, the bishop bashing, and the nasty, corrosive allegations hurled against innocent-until-proven-guilty, priests-run-over-by-buses by the Catholic professional bloggers as well as those rank amateur Catholic blogs which comprise the base of Catholic online news portals.  Trads and Neo-Caths and other bloglodites alike are acting like rabid junkyard dogs.  (I know!)  Why, it is disgusting and debased - their conduct beneath contempt.  Even the highly critical, outspoken Michael Voris is scandalized and disgusted and indignant over the venomous diatribes polluting the one, true holy Roman Catholic Internet.  Like Mr. Voris, I refuse to have anything whatsoever to do with this hateful smear campaign.   
Hey, remember what Mother Angelica said about her network and the bishops?
When other bishops tried to gain control of EWTN and stifle her loudly orthodox voice, she famously said, "I'll blow the damn thing up before you get your hands on it." 
The nerve.  That's right - put those bishops in their place, but don't ever say nothin' bad about... well, you get the point.  Shame!
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. 

View the original article here

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