Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Leges sine moribus vanae; Well folks, here we are!

“Leges sine moribus vanae; Laws without morals are useless” - Benjamin Franklin.

You may find that motto on the crest of the University of Pennsylvania and in its verbatim state English translation it means: "of what avail empty laws with out morals".

Crony Capitalism is a sexually transmittable capitalist disease. If you are poor and reading this posting or if like me; made our few sweaty bucks elsewhere, then please do not worry as our chance of catching this type of STD is indeed highly uncommon.

But it doesn’t mean we do not have a disease in our economy and in our nation; apparently it has been leaping from one super rich guy to the next over the past 54 years already. Leaping from one super rich ex-PM to the next and to the present, from Pak Man Telo to Bernie Madoff, from Mahathirism to Najib, from The Shah of Iran to the Mubaraks then to shot-eyed Gadhafi and from Gadhafi to greenhorn Assad; from one bank to the next and then on to dozens of banks…the disease has been spreading among the economic/political illusionist of the world one by one, taking them all down one at a time, one in a go.

That disease is known as “crony capitalism”; a very highly contagious and easily transmittable disease in the state of our dirty local/global economic dealings of today, it has invaded the central political system; billions have been plundered and the whole nation is now forced to cut back on lending and spending. CPI rates the world over are being manipulated to become acceptable when in truth it has become deplorably high, joblessness is on the rise but has been spin to look good and tolerable, banks are now doing very little lending and raising their rates squeezing for more, a new head at the IMF to cherry-pick after the previous one got horny beyond his pants and was alleged to have raped a chambermaid. Locally, political inequality and organized political oppression in Malaysia may boil over again and an impossible balancing act in the local economy with “subsidies rationalization” exercises may be the prime cause for a huge downfall. Well, you know what I’m reminded to here? There was an old K-Mart saying “God gives loads of money to those He hates”. Maybe, I’m saying, maybe it is finally becoming true!

The Senseless and Deranged Mainstream Media...

Recently the mainstream media has been scratching their puerile crony heads, probing how to spin some more story and fabrications of which with, they have to slander others in order to please their wing footed olden gods. But their gods have all been rather moody lately…they have been contemplating on what’s next whilst still stabbing each other in the back still, and in the process they are all accumulating such devastating levels of stinking toxicity, and it has been steadily ebbing on all their greedy banks and gradually corrupting their already questionably clean “Pembela Melayu/Malaysia images” and then spilling putrid horrendous truth that’s intolerably noxious to the majority of voting rakyats. People are finally noticing them all for who they really are.

The mainstream media people are either morons, or liars, or both. They print cheap, sloppy “plausible-line of old recycled lies” and they speak childish “garrulous tones of hastily assembled plausible lies” everywhere they could, and then they even linked our chaos to the on going global economic muddle and attempted to hide behind those skirts, but this is not the failure of a global free enterprise system of capitalism because our economy is no longer based on a global free enterprise system of capitalism, and has not been for at least two and a half decades. You’d have to be stupid to believe that our local democracy and noblesse oblige was anywhere in play; it’s all because of BN style crony capitalism, that’s why! The crumbling effect of over 23 years of blind and greedy crony capitalism!

A High Maintenance Affair...

The practice of crony capitalism carries with it one of the highest liabilities and maintenance regime ever witnessed by the free capitalist world in order for it to continue serving and protecting its practitioner’s year in year out, decades come decades goes. The practice of crony capitalism of past, was acceptable because generally people were still in the dark ages of non internet and it thrived when people could not catch on with their greed and lies; they could keep plundering just as long as they do some window dressing here and there to that governance and democratic system. But now, with super fast 4.5G mobility and rapid digital messaging era; in the “K-economy frame” crony capitalism has been grotesquely exposed and effectively neutralized by the speed of spontaneous accuracy for the rakyats over their lies and then more damning exposures one after the other of what they have all been hiding from the rakyats over the years. Alas, thanks to an ever increasing state of interference, manipulations and cajoling by the “elected” government, the legal system is swimming up the creek ever closer and closer to becoming an exemplary classification of a world pariah court system.

Now I seriously believe this to be the mind frame BN would be taking them self with into, in the next General Election (if there is ever one again for us), and this bunch really has got nothing to lose anymore; they have altogether went past all that already and that makes them deadly dangerous and chronically deranged to any free democracy; these people are all walking disease. Corruptions, more corruptions and unending greed have always been the carrot for all of them.

Democracy as a “Precision Tool” of Governance.

Democracy on a piece of paper is merely a worthless theory by any classroom definitions, but how it is practice shall ensure the value of it to all those who practices it. But here too lie the discreet loop-holes of democracy; after it has been exercised successfully, it shall separates executives (the elected) fairly distant from those who had practiced their end of democracy i.e. the rakyats; whose very acts of voting, has effectively propelled the elected into power and making them the elitist of democracy for the next 5 years. This gulf of political separation is the breeding ground to corruptions, nepotism and fraudulence.

Any kinds of “precision tool” designed for one purpose will be entirely ineffective (or it may even be destroyed totally) in an attempt to use it for another purpose. Every housewife knows that you cannot use an electric dishwasher as a garbage disposal unit, every IT expert knows that you cannot fix a broken Window with glass sheets and all-weather glass sealants. But what happens when the elitist suddenly use that precision tool for other purpose? Like enriching themselves and their cronies?

One Enters Politic To Get Very Rich…

In this nation it is customary a man enters politic and he becomes very rich, his children becomes very rich, his friends become very rich, his extended family becomes very rich; they become nobilities, generations after generations they become aristocracies and finally they own that democracy and indirectly, the nations that profess “their democracy”. Look at the history of our nation, look at the names of leaders that comes and goes, look at political institutions that has played roles in governing this nation, practically they have been inheriting this nation right after their “political fathers” one after the other and we have all been imperiled to “their brand of democracy” endlessly for over these past 54 years. Just look at how rich they have all become? Look at the Who’s Who list of Malaysian richest today, look at their houses? Look at their cars, look at their business empire. Ask yourself this; had it not been for UMNO and all of us, could they have attained all that for personal keeps? So since when is it okay for them to use the system for private wealth accumulations? Then too, what about the massive bailouts of their crony businesses with our oil money?

Then to window dress things, they set up an Anti Corruption Commission and the commission went about deafeningly busting the small fishes with expensive budgets, make grand noise each time they catch a tiny sardine, but keep very quiet on the bigger deadlier sharks still freely lurking around the system. An ex-"broomstick-MB" that’s being put on trial for corruptions only reaffirms the saying and belief that a pack of sharks which swims together would not hesitate to turn and ravage their freshly bleeding associate out of instinct and character.

What about the real honest to goodness system of check and balance in our political system? Has there ever been a point in account of an effective check and balance process for all of us? Seriously, there has been none. And this has resulted in great amount of liberty abuses by our ruling politicians and their crony.

The Perversion of Democracy.

It is this perversion of governance that now makes democracy ridiculous, at times even bizarre and most certainly corrupt to the bank vaults all the time. We have been falsely led to believe that government creates liberty for us. But when we analyze all facts and points, we clearly establish that the government does not create liberty; in fact, on the contrary; a corrupted government is indeed the persisting danger to human liberty, to our liberty.

The proper and healthy state of liberty for any nation is a state of limitations of governmental powers, a state of controlled governmental powers, a state of effective check and balance (at least) and certainly not the increase of governmental power at every chance it gets. This role of government as the enemy of liberty was well understood by the many leading royals, political, administrative and legal figures who had written down our Constitution in 1957. They wished for a government to have sufficient power to “restrain the citizens from injuring one another”, to have enough power to “enforce protectionism acts” and for all to exist as a sovereign nation under King. But beyond that, they tied it all down very securely with all of our constitutional limitations, the separation of powers, all Articles of rights, and other legal barriers in existence. They have created a system and put their trust of nation building into that system.

Let me try and dissect what and how corruption forms itself into a government. Let us try to take down that big dirty word CORRUPTION/NEPOTISM one letter at a time and let us assert a better understanding over it. For those of us who may still remember what law school was all about, or why we had even bothered attending, we may recall a notion on “mankind ability on self-governance”. It was stated that; the founding basis of creating a democratically elected government is grounded on “the capacity of mankind for self-government”; or in other words, upon the ability of each man to control and govern himself according to the commandments of his Creator, the power and the desire for self-control and self-reliance under God .

Maybe that’s what our Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al Haj had envisioned then? Maybe that’s what UMNO and PERIKATAN had stood for? Simple truth and candid hopes fashioned in honesty.

It was our Tunku Abdul Rahman who had stated this in our proclamation of independence:

“High confidence has been reposed in us; let us unitedly face the challenge of the years. And so with remembrance for the past, and with confidence in the future, under the providence of God, we shall succeed.”

But sadly, over the years, as the lowly men of authority and influence lose the power and the desire for self-control and self-reliance under God, what happens to that democracy? Finally, the nation will be ruled by tyrants, by despotic authoritarians, by dictators and by totalitarians. Finally that democracy becomes useless.

Today government is no longer contained behind the walls of the Constitution it had existed upon, but it now freely roams where it pleases, throughout every walk of life and throughout every department of business. Abusing all forms of mechanism and law, introducing draconian laws to keep them in power, taking down anyone who’s existence has become detrimental to them, using the nation as their own financial tool far deep into personal wealth accumulations, dividing ideologies among the citizens for more power pockets, abusing all systems of liberty; from manipulating the workers minimum wages law to manipulating all materials and allocations of governance to end product; the despoiled government is everywhere making a few extra bucks for its practitioners, and thus we have corruptions, abuses of executive rights and then too, we have nepotism.

We no longer have a government of laws; but in its place, we have a regime by “the selected hundreds of thousands roving supreme agents of government”. BUT keep in mind, these are NOT government servants, NOT the civil service I am writing about, but in fact, I was referring to the cronies of the leaders within that government.

For example, if you are an UMNO member with the right connections (I can name hundreds of those VIP-tiered UMNOPutra nationwide), then you are far above all your neutral superiors and simple peers, and you freely exploit your power and you exercise broadly your threats and egos; you are that long tentacles to a corrupted power hierarchy, ensuring lifeline to the grander, bigger and central machinery of that corruption. You depend on each other to survive; “Hidup YB, Hidup Saya; Hidup Saya, Hidup YB” defines that chain of corruption.

Unless this scandalous concentration of power is dissolved, corruption will not only continue, it will grow worse beyond wrecking this nationhood, beyond destroying its citizen. It shall go on fully unabated destroying our tomorrows, and one day our future generations shall spit on all of us for our state of weakness today.

This is my blog space and I can say and write anything within the confinement of common acceptable law, common code of societal decency and common acceptable traits of cyber politeness. I do not have to please anyone, but I must “speak” in total or very nearing total honesty beyond my perimeter of norms in a parallel elsewhere.

I hope that Najib realizes his political future. His running packs are quite not what could be best for his outlook. His parking space post PRU13 is getting smaller and smaller in the greedy definitions of this pack. They would want him to win, but not too much, they would want him to lose but not too much. When he was the Minister of Education, I was a regular at his office in Pusat Bandar Damansara. But that was many years ago.

Malays and Their Political Destiny...

I believe that Malay political unification is beyond refutations anymore. But none of you get to choose the terms of that confederacy. The extremist among all Malay dominated political parties/NGO shall have to fall behind and be ancient history, but at any cost, a new way ahead shall be forged post PRU13. And there must not be any new shrewd manipulative planning at installing a personal political heir anymore within the Malay struggles on this land – you do not own the Malays and their destiny. Today the noisy ultra Malay racist would not even be able to fill 30% of their vote’s quota anymore and that’s why they have become extra noisier here in the cyber world and in the real world. Mahathirism is not our Malay voice ahead, and Ibrahim Ali had simply tried way too hard already. Spitting tired slanders on Anwar Ibrahim has all gone past its sell by date on our political minds and continuing to insult Nik Aziz with his deep rooted religious knowledge has boomeranged back on all those who did; today many would cast their votes for Anwar and Nik Aziz as is. Even I would do the same.

When I read old newspaper cuttings of a much younger Nik Aziz giving his honest optimistic comment on the previous UMNO PAS collaborative government and then when I see today how he’s being ill treated by the same UMNO rascals, I realize that the kinds of divisive politic whereby when there suddenly exist a Malay power struggle and then all Malays are forced to take sides, and go at each others throats has got to end today; because enough is enough. Don’t force Malays to take sides anymore each time you need to fight with each other for more staying power. Don’t force the Malays to decide over losing bits of Article 153 over Negara Berkebajikan or don’t force the Malays to choose between believing in incredible slanders and religious character assassinations over simple and true Islamic teachings. Not many believe your games anymore; grow up UMNO, grow up PAS; anticipate a realistic outcome and build from there onward. Don't waste too much time with unending emotions.

What Vietnam Has Taught Me...

Go to Vietnam and observe their people get by life quietly. They don’t fight with each other over mindless things, over traffic disputes. They always make way and they accept the shortcomings of others in order to build their nation. I examined around what makes them turn out to be that way. Then they showed me what civil war had done to them. They showed me B52 bomb craters and you know what? They were just a greasy Asian rice bowl battleground of the Cold War. It was not even their war at all; but it was the war between Capitalism and Communism, it was a personal war between Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, and Gerald R. Ford; up against Nikita Khrushchev, Rodion Malinovsky, Andrei Grechko, Yuri Andropov and Leonid Brezhnev. It was the white man’s war that was fought on their land and it had killed 3 millions of them. And so today they say, “enough is enough, come and see Vietnam for its splendor and beauty instead”.

But in Malaysia and for us, under King again, we shall all come together. Under King, we shall all return to our roots. We shall return home again to the steps of our Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu. We shall proclaim “Daulat Tuanku”, and with that we reinforced the reminder to our Kings of our vested “Daulat Melayu” in our Royal Institution through them.

Speak Softly And Smoke The Pipe of Peace On This One...

The honest concentration of this posting of mine this time was to have examine the complexities of what an uncontrolled public riots would create from a realistic and neutral perspective. To study public riots, is an attempt at understanding the working dynamic and its unpredictable proceedings; events that can result in multiple deaths, vast property destruction and huge economic damage, and no doubt leaving irrevocable scars on a community for years to come along with unmentionable political repercussions. But you see how I eventually got swung all the way to Nixon and Vietnam? Too great a silent voluminous to write about, so much waiting hopes to share, and just too numerous preventions at times that’s prevailing against.

But I hope that the planned July 9th march would not take place at all. The police would definitely be forced to react in order to prevent a state of decompression of our common peaceful existence and values. And we cannot blame them for that. So many more are counting on them for peace and orderly. Even I do too. And when that happens the mainstream media shall spin all the stories against you and believe me, your room for serious thoughts shall be wiped out. What comes the day after, and after may not be as kind to you as the day before had been. Why throw it all away? This whole episode is simply unnecessary as it has been made to become.

Anwar Ibrahim has successfully transformed his image of Opposition Leader into an image of Leader of a Left Wing Political Coalition. He has effectively shown his leadership beyond mere opposing and contrasting parliamentary views, he has successfully and at times painfully sewn his leadership trademark to his role of “Opposition Leader”. And many would not be happy of this for sure and all it takes is just merely one rowdy noisy day to destroy that image totally. And in politic it is always better to maintain rather than to mend. Many need his leadership.

I hope that none would challenge the platform of democracy with the deafening and malevolent spirits of anarchy. I hope that the self-serving ultra Malays and their NGOs would finally shut up and be forgotten, stop abusing our court rooms, stop provoking others who do not take or share their views. Many hopes highly that dignity shall once again be given room and atmosphere in order for it to return to our judiciary system again.

When an outright victory has been denied to any single one party, we shall be made to understand very clearly that under King again, we shall all come together. Under King, we shall all return to our roots and we shall return home again to the steps of our Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu. We shall all proclaim “Daulat Tuanku”, and with that we reinforced the reminders to our Kings, of our long standing vested “Daulat Melayu” importance, in the Malay Royal Institution through each and every one of them.

“Wear it, you need it more than me here”

They traded small pieces of land in order to help financed the 1955-1957 London Merdeka mission. Tunku simply had no more money left for that. They drove 14 hours through bandit infested smelly rubber plantation roads to deliver the Merdeka contributions to Tunku’s simple one storey wooden government bungalow in Jalan Kia Peng (opposite Istana Terengganu today – although I have no idea if that bungalow is still there or not). Tunku was touched, he had nothing to give back, and although the simple kampong folks weren’t even asking for anything; the grand man took a 1955 book of Who’s Who Malaya, signed and gave it to a younger man for souvenir. We kept it proudly till this very day. Worn and slightly weathered, but it has always remain special on our mantle. Then it was one more week before Merdeka day. The Tunku was inspecting construction works on the new Stadium Merdeka in KL. Things were madly behind schedule. But the Chinese and the Indian laborers were all working very hard. Tunku made a late night inspection of the work that was in progress. And he saw a Chinese laborer who was working hard and recovering from fever. Tunku took off his beige English coat and put it on the man and told him to “wear it, you need it more than me here”. Then it was Merdeka day. The proclamation was made at midnight on the day of Merdeka but only the next day would it be the official ceremonies. It rained heavily that morning. The Kampong folks had earlier made their way to KL and were staying in Kampung Datuk Keramat. By 6.45 AM the rain had subsided to a gentle drizzle. Many made their way out to Stadium Merdeka to witness the official Merdeka proclamation by the Tunku. A journey made together from start has briefly culminated into a joyous and victorious retirement for the day it seems.

1989, a phone call arrived telling a younger me to get to New York at any cost to see the Tunku who was undergoing LASIK eye surgery. I said it was too short a notice to fly coast to coast. But the much elderly caller who was unable to journey due to failing health on the other end of the line from a village in Northern Malaysia was adamant that I get there as his representative. To see and assist the Tunku in whatever way that is needed from me. I don't see much what I could possibly do; the Tunku don't even know me.

Go or be damned! The message was simple and the meaning was clear. Off course there were scores of top notch businessmen and embassy officials attending to the Tunku's need already. But I managed to get in and later on by the time Tunku was about to be discharged and returns home, I received a book, an autobiography of the Tunku that was personally autographed by him with a mention: “semoga saudara sekeluarga di berkati Allah dan terus berjaya”.

Then a year after that I remember myself making my way to the Tunku’s residence in Laman Tunku (through Jalan Bukit Tunku behind the Putra Mall area). It was already midnight as I was driving up those slippery hilly roads; it had rained the whole day. A flashing blue light appeared in my rear-view mirror and I duly gave way, a lone police motor-outrider over took my car and signaled me to follow him. I followed through and arrived to pay my last respect to the Tunku. The next morning I witnessed the RMAF DHC-4 Carribou aircraft took off and flew the Tunku back to Kedah for one last time from the Sungai Besi Military Air Base.

I was saving up this part of the posting for my Merdeka post. These are my personal and private recollections. Now I have to find another one for that and my schedule is coming up busy. I would be celebrating the early part of Ramadan in Ho Chi Minh City on business this time inshallah, and I hope to see again and be reminded again of what nation building is all about by my kind Vietnamese host and friends.

All I’m saying is this; don’t abuse our political aptitude anymore. “Leges sine moribus vanae; Laws without morals are useless”. Honor the sacrifices made by those who have went before us, put dignity back in governance and see again through the eyes of humility and honesty through these long winding roads of nation building.

It is the only roads we have left. Thus, keep peace in our steps and keep peace in our pace; and finally may we all go in peace.

View the original article here

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