Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The New Datuk And His Pekasam.

If I am the PM of Schmoozeland, I would know things others would not know of when it comes to politics. No matter how smart they think they are, they can never beat me as the know it all PM. Below is my PR image; please you may order any poster for free with my 1Schmoozeland PR office. It is free, and all signed by me personally.

Well, except if I am Abdullah Badawi, then that imperative does not apply to me as PM. But say that I am really the PM and I am no Abdullah Badawi, well surely I would know it all because the power to shape is 99% in my hands and inshallah. You see, that’s how powerful people think, how rich people think.

Why in hell would I call for election when many factors are still and wildly going against me? I still have mandate to run things till 2013, so why should I be jerked into an early humiliating exit? You think I would go for simple majority? You must be naïve into believing in that notion!

Truth is, maybe I don’t want to call for election at all. Why should I? Here I am PM of Schmoozeland today and you want me to give that up? What, are you nuts? Be an idiot all you want, but leave me out of that trail.

As PM of Schmoozeland, I am still looking for “public legitimacy”. It is all PR really; I don’t even need legitimacy to win an election. I have the borders, I have the numbers and I have the forces. So you know, basically it is all for legitimacy. That’s all, no more no less in those sales.

But I still have that opposition head running freely smearing me out at any chance he got, and he is talking points; hard to disrepute him out. That submarine deal is still smoky, the IPPs are still breathing down my neck, and my 1Schmoozeland thingy is not as sticky as a sticky bun should be.

So that’s the deal really, I am just happy to have things as they are for now. For how long, is really up to my definition.

But let’s talk about making legitimacy. What can I use for that point? Yes, then that is that new broom guy Sabu Mohd; recently elected and seems out to be the lashing tongue to the quiet President of KAS. Maybe they thought that he would be the voice and noise of the opposition when things go into disarray later on, say after general election. But you see, the power to shape is still mine near total. Why in hell must I even call for an election at all yet? This Sabu guy seems to be anti royal awards, anti monarchist you think? Is the message here: KAS Anti Raja-Raja Melayu? KAS going against that already? Be careful, you do not hold 100% power of equation; you are lucky to even hold just slightly beyond 40% today really. Feudal culture? It's going to be a field day for some I'm sure. But I think that, it is all that new broom notion still washing down really. Better to observe & understands before buckling...As is, KAS is slacking in the rural, where people are always loyal to our Raja-Raja Melayu. Well, Sabu Mohd seems slightly pissed at those going hard for royal awards. I got news for him; live with it my good man.Getting a Datukship is very good actually; it gives you a certain added flair and “pedigree”. From simple things like booking an airline ticket you go under “Titled” listing all the way to fulfilling your task as an “Orang Istana” or “Pembesar Negeri” towards the state poor and needy; see, you could use your title only for the boardrooms or you could also see it as a tool to sail past state bureaucracy each time you need to highlight your issues of grievances concerning and among the needy with the State Ruler. It gives you conscience to always keep being more in every sense and to always honor team camaraderie. It tells you that you have been recognized and appreciates, it tells you that you need to work harder now. You make efforts to know many facts about your area of social vocation, like there’s 28 orphanages in your state and out of that 8 is 100% Islamic, 4 is 100% Christian, the rest all jumbled. You remember too, which one needs extra rice packages and which one is running the piles on their TNB electric bills due to that broken wiring and increased tariffs. Goodness, then there’s that Datsun C20 van of theirs that’s urgently in need of a new side door too!

You become more conscious of your tittle. You know that it is only for this world, and inshallah, if Allah is willing; you may get to carry some good deeds done here into the next accounting books. So you see, it is all up to you in the definition of the title, of being a “Datuk”. Frankly, many out there have been doing so much more on their own and still lack recognition. Inshallah, their days of deserving recognition would come in Schmoozeland. But seriously, what would I know; I am no Datuk you see, just a simple Bollywood wannabe is me.

I think that Sabu Mohd, should see and observe more first before firing his trademark salvos. Many senior leaders he could emulate in that area and directions. I for one look very highly to the leadership of Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz; steady and consistent, simple and effective. If I am Sabu Mohd, I would go and talk more first before firing on them publicly for political miles.

But let’s leave Sabu Mohd with his task and styles. Maybe he would revamp slightly or maybe not; each and either way, there’s cost to incur and meet and it is better to be in a political debit rather than a political credit for KAS overall.

But, heck I am PM of Schmoozeland, and I am a trained lawyer. As a lawyer, we were told to always analyze all stories, then dissect them one by one and then rearrange the stories to give you the maximum return. Yes baby, you either love us when we are on your side or loathe us when we are not.

I think that’s just what I’ll do here; I mean to dissect, and then reassemble events for maximum gains and returns.

I don’t think that I would want to call for election any day now. In fact, this year and next is out for sure. So many businesses still unsettle. But with that PERKASAM working hard to look for legitimacy towards their cause (nothing short of another gory conflict would do for them), I guess, I could use Sabu Mohd to meet that ends. See, if I get Sabu Mohd to jump just high enough, he would be hit by those flying smelly rotting PERKASAM and then whammy! Conflict!

Then off course, I would have to go into MIGRAINE mode to run this nation of Schmoozeland, appointing Generals and Super-Intendants as my cabinet, I would finally have that 1% remainder towards the ultimate power to shape in the politic of Schmoozeland.You think that’s the best option? Well, what ever it is, here in Schmoozeland, we know limitations and boundaries. We are all sales and deals, but we never lose sight of our Perlembagaan. But you know, I feel that the lost lawyer in me is barking really hard for fact dissection and rearrangements here. I may just do that if I have enough to work with. Election? What General Election? Let’s have fun first…

My 1Schmoozeland Happy Belia Social Program.

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