Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Swiss Movement.Usually Encik Samad would drive us to Senai for our cheap no frills flights to KL either on Air Asia or Firefly. But being the school holidays and all, we decided to get Encik Samad and his young family to go along on the flight to KL this time. It was also the first time that he, his wife and his two kids had ever flown before. So to drive us all out to the airport in place of our Encik Samad, we had our good Uncle Lim volunteering all the way from Clementi Singapore for the task; as you can see, it has been a multinational effort right from start. Uncle Lim is a Malaysian who hails from Melaka but runs his limousine service in between KL, JB and Singapore now. In 1996 he drove his Perodua Rusa 1.6 to Myanmar from Melaka before selling it off at the scrap metals; he is without a doubt, a Perodua Rusa expert in our books.

I was working online till about midnight and had only gotten about three hours of sleep before Uncle Lim rang up at 4.30 AM sharp to make sure we were all ready and packed. Punctuality with that China man humbles a Swiss movement. Then by 5 AM we were all up and ready, and by 6 AM right after our dawn prayers, as planned and right on the dot, two Hyundai Starex was already awaiting us in front. We loaded up and headed out to Senai Airport and by 6.45 am we were there already, for an 8.40 AM flight. See I told you it was good Swiss movement all the way.

I have not done this task since July 2000 really. You know what is AJK Halau Kambing? It is Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Halau Kambing. It happens when you arrive too early at the airport and you found out that you are actually the only one there; so to speak. I coined that phrase in the old Alor Star Airport where usually, I would always arrived early (as early as 6 am) for my 7.15 AM economy flight to KL then. When we arrived, my grandfather would tell me to go and switch on the lights, then go and switch on the ceiling fans and for good measure, I would slightly open the glass sliding door a tad to make sure that the MAS Boeing 737 is already out on the apron right in front of me in the cold morning mist. See, that’s why they gave me the task of AJK Halau Kambing. I was also told (jokingly) to spot for any stray goats on the runways too at sunbreak. In those days, I fondly remember the flight crews arriving at around 6.30 AM in the MAS van. They would then come in and chatted with my grandfather and then they would jestingly ask me if all AJK task was in check and I would sheepishly smile at that. I was around 14 or 15 years old then (the early 80's). Captain Narinder was a favorite of the old man, a very kind and humble senior pilot who has since retires. And off course there was never any goat on the runway!

So this morning there we were; four AJK Halau Kambing (another one was Uncle Lim’s alternate driver), with complaining wives and nagging kids. Yes, old Swiss movement really overclocked this time. Anyway, we pushed the airport-carts to be the first inline for check in and with that done; we headed to KFC for breakfast. At KFC we had Wi-Fi, but it was locked. You know, there’s open Wi-Fi in KL LCCT for travelers to use and it’s free. But I was rather taken aback to find out that for an establishment as good as Senai Airport, there’s no free Wi-Fi available. My Nokia tracked several Wi-Fi signals:

1) Al-Ikhsan

2) Lavender

3) KFC Streamyx Zone

4) Diamond Jewelry

5) FY010

Strategically Located Globally Connected. But...

But all locked and coded for access. And it was all on prehistoric WEP security set up, had I been using my notebook, I could have easily air-hacked them all (use WPA2 system for better protection guys). But I wasn’t. But really, could there be at least one free Wi-Fi network there for future use sake? The theme of the airport on entrance was this below: Strategically Located Globally Connected...but no Wi-Fi

But I’m afraid it is all slogans with them. Then the toilet stinks even at 7 AM. But it is not the cleaners fault, you see, Malaysians never bothers to flush after taking care of business! We expect someone else to clean the mess after us! It is a nauseating trend really and one we shall carry well into 2020 and beyond I’m afraid.

Of all the people, I spotted an aunt who was heading back to Penang from Singapore but she never saw me as I cleanly sailed away in between Gate 3 and Gate 4 of the departure lounge and sent SMS to the rest of the pack from the other end of the hallway; it was my ZOPFAN (Zone Of Peace For All Nations). I am not being impolite, but on some occasions I need decorum to save face too you know and she knows nothing of that conventions I’m afraid.

By now my youngest daughter has decided that she want’s to become a pilot too just like the rest of those smartly attired Air Asia flight force. Regulars like Naquib and all; they are inspiring the younger generations to take on the sky someday. I told my kids to slightly bow your head when greeting the flight crew and say your thanks politely and be heard kindly. They work hard all of them and the least we could do was to show appreciations sincerely for such a wonderful supporting role in air travel today.

Then I think it must just be like 25-30 minutes of real flying time to KL surely; it is just too short truly. Cruise was at FL180 and that too was maybe just like for 10 minutes or so. I could sense that this KL-JB and JB-KL leg is a hectic one up in the cockpit. No time for kick back I reckon. I am becoming a regular on this leg now. And I am just writing to say that all of the Air Asia staffs are really revolutionizing air travel for us. Save for that Pahamin Rajab graffiti on the outer skin of that Airbus, it was totally smooth and sickness free all the way as always.

We first flew on Air Asia in June 2009 on board their A340 to The UK. At first I was like not too serious about this once crony airline. But then I realized that as politicians (or sick cyber wannabes), we say things recklessly about them here and there. But in truth, they are just a brilliant bunch of folks who works hard and enjoy their jobs at taking you to your destination and home again safely in any weather and in any country. We must never again put politic in aviation; this is a sacred place. Politicians with agendas may just fly out the window when it comes to serious business as this one.

The next time you are at these kind of places, always show your appreciations to the cleaners there. The ladies with the mops and brooms, the toilet cleaners and all. Tip them RM5 at least; spare a few RM5 polymers in your pockets. RM5 goes a long way for this hard working folks in air travel too (RM1 buys nothing much anymore now). I was in the KL LCCT some weeks back and went to the restroom by Gloria Jean side. There I saw a kid no more than 16 years old mopping the toilet floor quietly. He then sat down quietly at a corner and took out his phone to send out an SMS. I walked up and inquired who he’s texting too? He must have thought that I was some kind of airport personnel and quickly handed me his hand phone.

This was the message on it : “abis keje kul 1.gi ke mjid trus.jmpa sana.li ubat siap2.” He was texting to his brother who also works as a cleaner but at nearby KLIA. I asked who’s the medicine for? And I was told that it’s for his mother (a cleaner there too). Nothing serious just some PANADOL, but that would cost him RM3.00 a strip these days. What does the big Menteri knows about real time living. The hard working kid was at the right place and at the right time. It was a Friday and he was going to the nearby KLIA mosque for prayer too. We pray to the One God, all of us. Our wealth, our fame, our ranks all means nothing there. What matter is what we carry in our heart. Fill it with compassion for the lesser ones among us. Make time to look down at them too, if you don’t who else would? God has entrusted you with that my friends. The Menteri; they have all almost forgotten on this type of existence. But we should not, we must always make the efforts to look their way too.

Then when we arrived in KL LCCT today it was all normally quiet this time! Thank goodness! Well, actually last week when we arrived here, the jolly group of Air Asia staffs had put up a free impromptu concert at the KL LCCT arrival hall for all passengers. It was lively and grand, and a friend of mine from Sydney who was travelling along to KL with us never missed the chance for pictures and videos for YouTube. When it was all over (about 30 minutes), he came back all adrenalin charged after joining the concert unpremeditated, all zesty and proclaimed to me that; Malaysians are redefining air travel for tomorrow! Wow!

Safe flying always to all and yes; Malaysians are redefining air travel!

View the original article here

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