Sunday, July 3, 2011

Corapi, John

Buzz on a famous Sacramento priest.
See how much better he looks when he doesn't dye his beard and get himself so tanned up?  He looks great in civvies too - and he looks much more rested.  I want to read his autobiography when it comes out.  (I smell a movie-script here too.)  I'm hoping he reveals who the starlet was he had with him in the fancy sportscar drive to Vegas.  I keep thinking it could have been Tatum O'Neil - although maybe she was too young at the time - additionally, she could have been too wasted to remember.
Anyway - the first secular press mention of the lawsuit against his whistle blower that I have encountered has come to light today - making it a 'public' issue now, and not just a 'private' ho-hum mind-your-own-business Catholic priest scandal.  It's 'civil' now, man.  I wish it could get on Judge Judy.
Here's the deal from The Sacramento Bee:
A former Sacramento priest and nationally known speaker has filed a lawsuit against the woman who accused him of sexual misconduct.
The Rev. John Corapi, who served as the director of Catholic Faith Formation in Sacramento in the 1990s, filed a lawsuit in the 11th Judicial District Court of Montana, where he now lives. He alleges that his accuser committed libel and that a letter she wrote to his religious superiors contained "numerous false, malicious and unprivileged statements" about the priest. He is suing for punitive and unspecified compensatory damages.
In the lawsuit, Corapi said the success of his ministry depends on his reputation and his position of a priest in good standing.  Read more:
Works for me.
For a synopsis of what's been happening regarding the Corapi affair I've found Diane's reporting at Te Deum to be helpful - she also has an amazing photo of Fr. Corapi at the top of the post.  The Anchoress has her good objective commentary as well. 
The Black SheepDog website hasn't been updated for awhile.  I'm thinking TMZ might get a hold of the story pretty soon and we'll maybe get better coverage.  I'd love to see photos of the ranch.  What?

View the original article here

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